We have the best system for pedestrian crossings
The 21st edition of the “Podkarpackie Economic Award” competition brought the VB Traffic company an award in the category of…
The 21st edition of the “Podkarpackie Economic Award” competition brought the VB Traffic company an award in the category of…
Our company, Van Berde, this year received the Golden Certificate of Fair Play Enterprise. This year’s Gala of the Przedsiębiorstwo…
Van Berde – Zubiel, Pogoda sp. k. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich „Przygotowanie przedsiębiorstwa Van Berde – Zubiel, Pogoda…
W związku ze Świętami Wielkanocnymi firma Van Berde będzie nieczynna przez 4 dni – od 15 do 18 kwietnia 2022…
Nowe kontakty, bogate relacje biznesowe i perspektywa, w którym kierunku rozwija się branża drogowa dały Międzynarodowe Targi INTERTRAFFIC 2022 w Amsterdamie. …
We are pleased to be announced the 2021 Subcarpathian Economic Award winner for the best product – SYSTEM WIVA. At…
During the Congress, which took place on 1-2 July in Berlin, VAN BERDE received the MADE IN POLAND award. #KONGRESMADEINPOLAND…
As part of the planned implementation of the project under Measure 1.2 Internationalization of SMEs within the Operational Program Eastern…
Due to the current epidemiological situation throughout the country related to COVID-19, we would like to inform all our customers…
The daily newspaper Business’ Pulse (Puls Biznesu) confirmed that Van Berde Sp. z o.o Sp. K. belongs to the elite…